Not the Last Post
My interest in blogging has waned severely as of late. Other aspects of my life have taken priority and, alas, my blog has taken a backseat to it all. I thought I would make it to the two-year mark, and came pretty close, but, I don't want to drag it out like that.
I think the thing that really helped me decide it was time to hang it up was the loss of one of my most loyal readers, Peacechick Mary. She recently stopped blogging for what I understand were reasons similar to my own. One thing I knew I could always count on was a thoughtful comment by Mary on almost all of my posts, even the crappy ones. There were plenty of those, but Mary kept coming back for more. I'll miss you, Mary.
I was happy to see that two of my fellow bloggers, Kvatch and John Good paid tribute to her and that John, being the ever-thoughtful guy that he is, even took the time to claim Mary's blog address in the event that she might want to get back to blogging in the future. Nice work, John.
The greatest experience of blogging has been my ability to connect to a community of people who, while not always agreeing with everything I had to say, were always there to read what I had to say. That has meant a great deal to me and I thank each and every one of you for taking the time to click on the PTCruiser link on a regular basis to check in on me and see what was going on in my mind on any given day.
I'm not going to shut down the blog because there are links on the right to some really great people's blogs. Go ahead and click on them. They're fantastic sources of information, opinion, and even a good laugh every now and then. Another reason is the remote possibility that I may decide to pick up where I left off and start writing again.
In closing, there are a few people in particular who I need to thank.
I'd like to thank my father for reading and offering fatherly advice on this blog. Much appreciation to my Uncle Dennis for e-mailing me all of the great political material which ended up being some of my best posts.
Thank you to Celticfire, my comrade who has led me down the path of discovery that is Maoism/Leninism/Marxism. (I'm still learning)
Scarlet, you're not getting my cardboard. While I may be giving up on blogging, there is no way in hell that I'm going to stop freewayblogging. I want to thank you for teaching me a craft that I will continue to use for the rest of my days. No matter who is in office, or what may be going on in this world, I will always have the ability and know-how to exercise my right to free speech in the most effective and efficient way possible. You can't put a price on that kind of experience. I'm looking forward to our next great adventure. And for those of you who tune in here to see my latest freewayblogging adventures, you'll still be able to see them by clicking on Scarlet's name at the top of the paragraph.
Last, but certainly not least, a huge thank you to Spocko, of Spocko's Brain. You were the initial spark that got me thinking I could pull off something like writing my own blog. I've enjoyed every moment of it, and I have you to thank for that. It's been quite an adventure, kicking sand in the face of the beast that is the local Hate-Talk radio station. Here's to our future collaborations.
Thank you everyone. I'll be back to check on you, so make sure you all behave. Don't make me pull this blog over to the side of the road and smack you.
And remember...

Green Day - Working Class Hero
You know I couldn't leave you without posting a video. This one is really good.