Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My Trip To See Michael Moore

Yesterday I made a journey to the state capitol in Sacramento to see Michael Moore who is promoting his latest documentary, SiCKO, due out on June 29.

Michael was also at the capitol to help the nurses' unions push for SB840 an HR676 to provide health care for all in the State of California.

I was able to get close enough to get a few good shots of him as he came out of the capitol building and then spoke to the crowd.

While it was pretty cool getting a chance to see my favorite filmmaker, it was the journey itself that was totally kickass and the most memorable part of the day.

I took a train to Berkeley where the originator of the modern free-speech movement, Scarlet, picked me up. Did we do any freewayblogging on our way to and from Sacramento?

(Is the pope catholic?)

Here's Scarlet, demonstrating how incredibly easy it is to put up a freewayblog. I was snapping photos as fast as I could because the whole process literally takes seconds.

During the drive we had plenty of time to talk about our craft. We both still can't figure out why people aren't doing this, and we still don't quite have it pinpointed but i told him that I'm convinced he's never going to get freewayblogging done as a large-scale movement across the country. In my opinion, people are just too damn lazy to do it.

If you were to ask me who won American Idol or where the next Survivor show is going to be held, I honestly couldn't tell you. I don't watch enough television to give you that information. I'm too busy letting every person who drives a car in the San Francisco area know what I feel about the government. I'm having too much damn fun to be bothered with things like television.

Bottom line, when the whole country turns into a complete judeo/christian theocracy (are we there yet?) and people start asking why nobody did anything to stop it, I can say that I did do something. I really don't care if everyone across the country is doing this or not. Just as long as I know that I'm doing it, and I'm showing my children that they can do it, I can sleep better at night.

I think it's safe to say that anyone and everyone travelling east and west on the Highway 80 corridor between Berkeley and Sacramento yesterday knew that there was at least one guy hanging signs on the freeway (possibly two).


At June 13, 2007 9:20 PM, Blogger beachblogger said...

dear PT,

nice work. we hear you!

peace, peter

At June 14, 2007 4:26 AM, Blogger Peacechick Mary said...

That was sooo great that you got to see MM in person. I too admire his talent as I admire yours. As for the freeway posting, I don't have the physical strength - the spirit is willing, bu the body is old and weak. Damn.

At June 14, 2007 5:11 AM, Blogger Psychomikeo said...

I just got Sicko. I'll be watchin' soon...

At June 16, 2007 12:55 PM, Blogger Rebel Reaper said...

I have been on Donnie's ass to let me go on a blogging trip. He has been swamped and tells me we are gonna go. The hell with that! I want it now! I want to post a picture of one of those "rebuke bush" signs so bad! Or those "Katrina was a republican" signs! Those are my favs! Where the hell does he come up with all those great slogans?

At June 16, 2007 2:41 PM, Blogger Graeme said...

Awesome!! you guys kick ass. I can't wait to see SICKO

At June 16, 2007 6:16 PM, Blogger ¿Yh8? said...

Signs? display? against war? without permission? OOohhh, meh likies!!

At June 16, 2007 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was with you in spirit!

At June 18, 2007 9:50 PM, Blogger Butchie said...

Do you ever put up any non anti-Bush signs, just for fun?

Here are some suggestions:

Kirk Cameron is a dick!

Don't forget to floss!

Beets taste like shit!

Miami Vice kicks ass!

At June 19, 2007 12:36 AM, Blogger PTCruiser said...


At June 26, 2007 1:12 PM, Blogger azgoddess said...

great work - and thanks for the reminder about michael's new film..i'll be on the look-out for it here!!!


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