Support Our Troops - Chapter 4
I'm dragging this thread out of the basement because this news item is just irritating the hell out of me. Being a military veteran myself, I just can't believe that this patriotic soldier is being treated this way by the country he so proudly served.
What kind of nation are we becoming when a man with an obvious amount of pride is punished for exercising his right to free speech? FREE SPEECH !!!!
Honestly, it makes me want to cry when I think that I wasted four years serving a country that treats patriots as if they were scum. What the hell was I thinking?
You know, I was actually proud to be a member of the United States Air Force. There was a time, when I was in uniform, that I used to actually get a lump in my throat when they played the Star Spangled Banner. Nowadays, when I hear that song, I just get a sick feeling in my stomach, thinking about all of the death and destruction, shock and awe, and fire and brimstone we as a nation have brought down upon this world.
Want to know what kind of work I did in the Air Force? Check it out here. The pictures of the guys in the hardhats are pictures of what I did. I was a Missile Maintenance Technician in the Strategic Air Command at this base. We test-launched nuclear missiles. Missiles designed to destroy milions of people.
I think the military will find that the courts won't let them have this one for a win. Of course I put nothing past them mind you...but I don't think they'll get the mileage out of this that they are hoping for. The rest of the military will stand behind him...I think. The administration really does have some limits and then the people will think they have gone to far...and this is one of them.
Gee, and I was thinking of reenlisting. So much for slick recruiters promising me the moon only to learn from Adam Kokesh it can all be taken back. Expletive deleted!
Oh, and that's another point. Kokesh responded with an "obscenity" that we're not privileged to know, but it's okay to hear Big Dick cheney say "GO FUCK YOURSELF!" to senator Leahy.
Nice, pt, nice. Was Vandenberg the cushy duty station assgnmt I imagine it to be?
Did you ever write a message on the side of one of those enormous phalluses to be delivered to Moscow? Curious minds want to know.
When I told Mr Pop about what they are trying to do to this guy, he said, "bullshit, they can't do that"
Then I asked Mr Pop is the guy could live at our house if he needs a place to stay. He said bullshit to that too. :)
Free speech? Isn't that a "quaint" idea in today's world. Yeah, I borrowed that word from "I can't remember shit" Gonzo.
i look at it this way...when stories like this become main stream
the powers to be -- will lose their 'go armed forces, let's go sign up' mentality in our youth
we need to bring all of our soldiers home - NOW!
I really hope that you're right.
Was Vandenberg the cushy duty station assgnmt I imagine it to be?
Yes! Beautiful view of the Pacific from the missile silos. Start work at 0700, off by around noon and we were surfing at Jalama Beach by 1300 hrs.
Did you ever write a message on the side of one of those enormous phalluses to be delivered to Moscow?
That's classified information, but I can tell you that the Air Force really frowns on people touching their phallus.
Ask Mr. PoP if my whole family can stay at your house when we take our vacation in Florida.
Yes. Let's bring them nome now.
This story is slamming around the internet and soooo many are soooo upset about it. Surely, the militry can't be that shut down and shut uped.
That was quite a job you had there, PT. Kinda scary, too.
sounds like it was a great gig and I guess if pt ever got his wires X'ed while working on one of those ICBM's peacechick mary, he wouldn't be here today, right?
But I think pt answered our question about writing a little something on the side of one of those things, knowing as we do his uncontrollable urges to "sign" the entire Bay Area.
very powerful post. i hope someday you can come to peace with your own service. the cause might be fucked, but the soldiers are honorable.
Hey...were you one of those guys that lived in a "bunker"--all sealed up in case WWIII happened?
I still do, Froggy. You just never know...
Free speech for the dumb & fast food for slow minds
Academic freedom has been dealt a serious blow. Anti-Semites at DePaul deny tenure to Professor Finkelstein.
I helped with the photographic imagery that targeted them.
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